Content / Outlines
  1. Tables
  2. Insert
  3. Modify
  4. Formatting Text
  1. Pages Panel
  2. Document Text
  3. Divs
  4. Modify
  1. Code Editing
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Dcuments & Panels
  4. Arrange
Using Dreamweaver is so much faster when you know the shortcut. You can use these keyboard shortcuts in Design, Split and code views to quickly create documents, perform editing tasks, hide and show workspace fearures, apply simple formatting, edit code, make selections, access Dreamweaver help, preview pages in Live and in a browser, and much more.


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Select individual (or multiples, discontinuous) table cells Ctrl-click cells Cmd-click cells
2 Select Table (with cursor inside the table) Ctrl+A (may need to di twice) Cmd+A (may need to di twice)
3 Insert RowCtrl+M Cmd+M
4 Insert ColumnCtrl+Shift+A Cmd+Shift+A
5 Delete RowCtrl+Shift+M Cmd+Shift+M
6Delete Column Ctrl+Shift=-(hyphen) Cmd+Shift=-(hyphen)
7 Merge Selected Cells Ctrl+Alt+M Cmd+Opt+M
8Split Cell Ctrl+Alt+S Cmd+Opt+S
9 Increase Column Span Ctrl+Shift+] Cmd+Shift+]
10 Decrease Column Span Ctrl+Shift+[ Cmd+Shift+[
11 Add new row at bottom of table With cursor in bottom right table cell, hit Tab With cursor in bottom right table cell, hit Tab


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Non-Breaking SpaceCtrl+Shift+Space Cmd+Shift+Space
2 Line Break Shift+Enter Shift+Return
3Image Ctrl+Alt+I Cmd+Opt+I
4 Table Ctrl+Alt+T Cmd+Opt+T


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Quick Tag Editor Ctrl+T Cmd+T
2 Show Code NavigatorCtrl+Alt-clik Cmd+Opt-clik

Formatting Text

No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 None 0 0
2 Heading 1 Ctrl+1 Cmd+1
3Heading 2 Ctrl+2 Cmd+2
4 Heading 3 Ctrl+3 Cmd+3
5 Heading 4 Ctrl+4 Cmd+4
6Heading 5 Ctrl+5 Cmd+5
7 Heading 6 Ctrl+6 Cmd+6
8paragraph Ctrl+Shift+P Cmd+Shift+P
9 Left Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L Cmd+Opt+Shift+L
10 Center Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Cmd+Opt+Shift+C
11 Right Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R Cmd+Opt+Shift+R
12 Justify Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J Cmd+Opt+Shift+J
13Text Indent Ctrl+Alt+] Cmd+Opt+]
14Text Outdent Ctrl+Alt+[ Cmd+Opt+[

Pages Panel

No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Add a new frame to frameset In the Frames panel select the frame, then in the document window Alt-drag frame border In the Frames panel select the frame, then in the document window Opt-drag frame border
2 Pull out solid frame (creates Nested Frameset) Ctrl-drag frame border Cmd-drag frame border
3Select a frame Alt-click in frame Opt-click in frame
4 Select next frame or frameset Alt-Right arrow Opt-Right arrow
5 Select previous frame or framesetAlt-Left Arrow Opt-Left Arrow
6 Select parent frameset Alt-Up arrow Opt-Up arrow
7 Select first child frame or frameset Alt-Down arrow Opt-Down arrow

Document Text

No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Go to Next Word Ctrl+Right Arrow Cmd+Right Arrow
2 Go to Previous WordCtrl+Left arrow Cmd+Left arrow
3Go to Previous Paragraph Ctrl+Up Arrow Cmd+Up Arrow
4 Go to Next Paragraph Ctrl+Down Arrow Cmd+Down Arrow
5 Select Until Next word Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Cmd+Shift+Right Arrow
6Select From Previous Word Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Cmd+Shift+Left Arrow
7 Select From Previous Paragraph Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Cmd+Shift+Up Arrow
8Select Until Next Paragraph Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Cmd+Shift+Down Arrow
9 Edit Tag Shift+F5 Shift+F5
10 Exit Paragraph Ctrl+Enter Cmd+Enter


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Select a div (without having to click its grab tag) Ctrl+Shift-click Cmd+Shift-click


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Make Link Ctrl+L Cmd+L
2 Remove Link Ctrl+Shift+L Cmd+Shift+L
3Open the link to document in Draemweaver Ctrl+Dobule-click link Cmd+Dobule-click link
4 Drag and drop to create link Select the text, then Shift-drag it to file in Site panel Select the text, then Shift-drag it to file in Site panel

Code Editing

No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Show Code Hints Ctrl+Space Cmd+Space
2 Quick Tag Editor Ctrl+T Cmd+T
3Select Parent Tag Ctrl+[ Cmd+[
4 Select Child Ctrl+] Cmd+]
5 Balance Braces Ctrl+' Cmd+'
6Fid Next (Find Again) F3 F3
7 Select line up/downShift+Up/Down Arrow Shift+Up/Down Arrow
8Character select left/right Shif+Left/Right Arrow Shif+Left/Right Arrow
9 Select to page up/down Shift+Page Up/Page Down Shift+Page Up/Page Down
10 Move to word on left/right Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow Cmd+Left/Right Arrow
11 Select to word on Left/Right Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Arrow Cmd+Shift+Left/Right Arrow
12 Move to start/end of line Home/End Home/End
13Select to start/end of line Shift+Home/End Shift+Home/End
14 Move to top/end of file Ctrl+Home/End Cmd+Home/End
15 Select to start/end of file Ctrl+Shift+Home/End Cmd+Shift+Home/End
16Go to Line Ctrl+G Cmd+G
17 Indent CodeCtrl+Shift+> Cmd+Shift+>
18Outdent Code Ctrl+Shift+< Cmd+Shift+<


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Check Spelling Shift+F7 Shift+F7
2 Get File from Server Ctrl+Shift+D Cmd+Shift+D
3Put File on Server Ctrl+Shift+U Cmd+Shift+U

Dcuments & Panels

No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Show/Hide Panels F4 F4
2 Switch to Next Doc (Tab) Ctrl+Tab Cmd+Tab
3Switch to Prev Doc (Tab) Ctrl+Shift+Tab Cmd+Shift+Tab
4 Behaviours Shift+F4 Shift+F4
5 Bindings Ctrl+F10 Cmd+F10
6 Code InspectorF10 F10
7 Components Ctrl+F7 Cmd+F7
8CSS Styles Shift+F11 Shift+F11
9 Databases Ctrl+Shift+F10Cmd+Shift+F10
10 Files F8 F8
11 Frames Shift+F2 Shift+F2
12 history Shift+F10 Shift+F10
13AP Elements F2 F2
14 Properties Ctrl+F3 Cmd+F3
15 Reference Shift+F1 Shift+F1
16Results F7 F7
17 Server Behaviors Ctrl+F9 Cmd+F9
18Snippets Shift+F9 Shift+F9
19 Tag Inspector F9 F9


No.DiscriptionWindowsMac OS
1 Align Left Ctrl+Shift+1 Cmd+Shift+1
2 Align Right Ctrl+Shift+3 Cmd+Shift+3
3 Align TopCtrl+Shift+4 Cmd+Shift+4
4 Align Bottom Ctrl+Shift+6 Cmd+Shift+6
5 Make Same Width Ctrl+Shift+7 Cmd+Shift+7
6Make Same Height Ctrl+Shift+9 Cmd+Shift+9